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- Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality by John Boswell; The University of Chicago Press 1980
- But Lord They're Gay by Rev. Sylvia Pennington; Lambda Christian Fellowship 1982
- 10 Spiritual Truths for Successful Living for Gays and Lesbians "(and everyone else)" by Rev. Troy Perry; Morris Publishing 2003
- The Church and the Homosexual by John J. McNeill, S.J.; Sheed, Andrews and McMeel, Inc. 1976
- The Bible and the Homosexual by Michael E. England; Chi Rho Press 1991
- Pastor, I am Gay by Rev. Howard H. Bess; Palmer Publishing 1995
- Jonathan Loved David - Homosexuality in Biblical Times by Tom Horner; The Westminster Press 1978
- Is It a Choice? by Eric Marcus; Harper San Francisco 1993
- The Bible, Christianity, & Homosexuality by Justin R. Cannon (Founder of 2008
- Is Homosexuality a Sin? (3 Questions answered by various denominations and religions) 


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