Daily Devotional for September 29
September 29 Matthew 6:7-15
"Your Heavenly Parent knows what
you need before you ask."
God knew us before we were formed in our mother's womb.
It is therefore no surprise that God knows what we need before
we even form the words.
Once during a worship service in our church, a man sitting
near the choir began to sob during the opening hymn. A choir
member reached out and placed her hand on his shoulder. She
didn't say anything or stop singing, she just placed her hand
there. She sensed the man's need to be touched and loved;
he didn't have to say a word. She didn't need to say anything,
either; her hand on his shoulder said, "I care."
When we pray, God senses our prayers without our saying
a word; all we have to do is open ourselves and allow God
to be present for us. We can have simple and yet complete
communion with God, like lifelong lovers who have become
so attuned to each other that they communicate without
words. Prayer is placing ourselves in the presence of a loving
Creator. Like a visit with a trusted friend, prayer also includes
time to listen as well as to speak.
Jesus teaches us a basic and well-known prayer in today's
Gospel. It covers every human need. It is not an appeal to an
indifferent deity. It is a comfortable chat between old friends.
Today, seek a gentle and loving conversation with your God.
Ask that your prayers be answered in the sure knowledge that
they have already been heard.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.1989