Daily Devotional for April 7
April 7 Luke 3:15-22
Sorceress' Apprentice
I hate it
When people think I am she.
I have to tell them (and me)
That I am not.
Or when we do our act together -
She makes her magic find them
While I hear my lines fall empty.
My tricks, hollow deceptions,
Imitations of the real.
And still, my wounded magic,
Small and waiting,
Glistens in the dark.
Dear Creator,
Taking a back seat is such a difficult thing. I'm sure that John
the Baptist must have felt the burden of his ministry and the
humility of knowing his own limitations. Help me to see that
the "magic" I offer, while it may not be earth shattering, could
help bring people one step closer to you. And that to be
anything but humble in my offering of it is to invite those same
people to find me lacking, and therefore to walk further away.
I know that I have a special touch, but that it is best displayed
in the shadow of the master.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.198