Daily Devotional for September 13
September 13 Matthew 2:1-12
"For we have seen his star in the East,
and have come to worship him. "
For many of us, the three wise men are the most colorful
figures in the manger scene. [The magi were not at the manger
scene, but came to see Jesus when he was 2 years old. Verse
11 says '... they came into the house...' L.M.] They intrigue us, and
yet we know little about them. Other than their encounter with
Herod, the Bible doesn't describe much of their journey. It tells
us only that they found the child with Mary, and that they rejoiced.
The journey from their homeland was probably long, arduous,
and full of adventures. The Gospel author makes no mention
of what they had to endure to get to Jerusalem. Like an editor
crossing out a clumsy phrase, the author skips over the
travelogue and brings us to the essential point: after much
searching, they found the child.
The way to a closer walk with Christ can be long, arduous,
and filled with adventures for us, too. We can't see ahead to
what God is planning for us, and we don't want to return to
the place we've come from. All we know is that we must keep
walking forward, step by step. There is often pain and
discouragement in the pathway, but most important, at the
end of the journey, and often along the road, we find the child.
Isn't that what makes it worthwhile?
Take some time today to evaluate where you are going. Are
you moving toward union with God? Are you growing closer
to the spiritual goals you have set for yourself? Today, make
your life journey a faith journey. Take a step toward Christ.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.1989