Daily Devotional for February 1
February 1 Mark 8:11-26
A strange healing story is found in this passage. Jesus lays hands
upon a blind man, but the man's sight is not completely
restored. A second time Jesus lays hands upon the man, and
finally he can see.
The man's vision required a second touch. Often we too need
a second touch. When we don't get all we expect, we need
to return to the source of health and healing instead of wander-
ing away in search of other healers, other saviors. For many
this means a return to the faith which touched us once. Like
the blind man, we too can receive the fullness of God's blessing
by returning to Christ for a second touch.
Wholeness in life is something which grows. God works in
us, then works again. God's movement in us is a continuing
event through which we go from strength to strength. Do you
need to return to Christ so Christ can complete what has begun
in you?
Today tens of thousands of alienated and disenfranchised
Christians are returning to the faith that touched them once
before. If you have not received all you wanted from Christ,
consider waiting, expecting a second touch, or maybe a third!
Jesus, I have always been in a hurry. Today,
however, I want to wait, because I want all you
have for me. Forgive the times I have run away, looking
elsewhere for a blessing, not trusting that you had more
for me. Forgive the times when, not seeing life
clearly, I have given up on you. I am here
now, waiting. Touch me again.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.198