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Daily Devotional for April 18


April 18                                                         Luke 6:12-26

                     Soup Kitchen

                          Been comin' here for
                           Goin' on five years.
                       Been here longer myself
                 Than most o' them vollinteers.
                   Somebody said they're gonna
                                  Tear it down.
                      Build a high-rise, maybe,
                            Or a 24-hour store.
              What the [heck] we need that for?
                That's just a lot of neighbors
                 Raisin' dust. They don't want
              Their children to see us in here.
        Or want to walk by us "dangerous types."
                         This year we're lucky.
                 This year we're "The Homeless,"
   So they'll prob'ly just relocate this place.
                  Years ago we were just "bums"
                  And got run outta everyplace
                                      But here.

Dear Creator,
Please show me my responsibilities toward the truly unfor-
tunate. I know that you bless the poor, the hungry, the
weeping. While I may at times be any of those, or none of
those, I owe them my respect and attention. Help me to
recognize the opportunities for reaching out, and give me the
strength to keep at it. Thank you.

From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle

Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.


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