Daily Devotional for January 11
January 11 Mark 1:29-45
In this passage from Mark, we read about the essence of your
life, Jesus: healing, praying, and preaching.
Not just Simon's mother-in-law and the man with the dreaded
skin disease, but all the sick devoured you in their desire to
be whole. I too run to you for spiritual comfort and nourish-
ment. When I feel the weighty responsibilities of my work and
the seemingly endless routine of my days, I seek your healing.
Heal my feverish ways and empower me to rise up like Simon's
mother-in-law to be of service to others.
Because the crowds pursued you, clamoring for your healing
presence, you often had to flee to lonely places to be alone
and quiet with God. I also need to meet our Father-Mother
God in a quiet place, a space that is sacred and holy, a sanctuary
apart from the world's bustling activity. Praying with you,
Jesus, to our loving God, restores my spiritually depleted
energy. I know I don't make enough time for private prayer.
While people came constantly to you from everywhere and
invaded your praying space, I seem to avoid quiet moments
with my God and venture instead into the noise and distraction
of outer stimulation. Enable me, Jesus, to integrate contem-
plation into my busy days.
And may those busy days be filled with preaching the good
news that we are graced with Yahweh's love. Help me to
preach your goodness by kindness to others, by affirming my
co-workers, by rooting out jealousy from my heart. I do not
need to be a TV evangelist or on a street-corner soapbox to
preach my love for you and your love for the world. Help me
to preach by the witness of a Christian life which will heal
the wounds of those I touch.
Help me to walk in your footsteps today by healing someone's
wounded spirit with a gentle touch, by silently preaching your
love, by the way I live my life, by taking some quiet moments
to move apart and pray with you. Amen.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.198