Daily Devotional for December 10
December 10 Luke 1:57-66
"What then will this child be?"
John the Baptist was in many ways a miracle child. His mother,
Elizabeth, was barren. Both she and her husband, Zechariah,
were advanced in years. The angel Gabriel had appeared to
Zechariah in the temple to foretell John's birth. Zechariah was
struck dumb because he doubted the angel, not wanting to
believe that his greatest wish was being granted.
Then Elizabeth calmly announced that the baby would be called
"John," a new name, unused in their family. The relatives said,
"None of your kindred is called by this name." But Zechariah,
remembering the words of the angel, wrote, "His name is
John." Immediately he was able to speak again; he was healed
as he was obedient to God's command. The people wondered
and asked, "What then will this child be?"
Name changes are not uncommon in Scripture. Abram became
Abraham, Jacob became Israel, Simon became Peter, Saul
became Paul - and all these changes were made to indicate
that God had brought about great changes in their lives.
Similarly, John's unfamiliar name was a sign that a great shift
had taken place in salvation history. This child of miracles with
the strange new name and God's hand upon him would be
special. He would be the forerunner of the Messiah!
When we become followers of Jesus we take on the new name
of Christians for ourselves. Angels and saints wonder at our
new life and say, "What then will this child be?" The answer
lies in how we choose to live our lives each day.
Dear Name-Giver,
you who name us in your wisdom,
help me to discern the new names, new ministries,
new tasks you lay before me. Amen.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C