Daily Devotional for May 4
May 4 Matthew 28:16-20
A divine appointment with the resurrected Christ! What could
be more glorious? Yet as the disciples trudged up the Galilean
mountain, at least one felt the pangs of an anxious heart:
What am I doing on this path? I don't even know
if I believe he's alive, and I'm on my way to a
meeting supposedly called by Jesus! I wonder if he'll
look the same. What will he ask of me this time?
Will I be up to it? John's already around the bend
...always ahead when it comes to faith! If I turn
around now, I can be home in time for lunch - but
what if it's true? What if Jesus really is going to be
there? I must keep going.
At the dawn of the twenty-first century, little has changed.
We are still called to meet Christ for instruction and challenge.
We still respond with uncertainty:
What am I doing on this one-way street in a city not
my own? I don't even know what I believe about
life after death, and I'm called to the bedside of
someone with AIDS. I wonder how he'll look. What
will he ask of me? Will I be up to it? Others know
how to do this, why aren't they here? If I turn
around now, I can be home before dark. But what
if it's true? What if it is really Christ who waits in
that bed? I must go in.
Jesus Christ, unique Child of God,
have mercy on us. Forgive our ambivalence,
our sluggish pace, and restore our confidence
through the good news we already know. Steer us away
from competition with others who minister in
your name, and grant us a perfect balance of
peace and adventure as we go forth in the
light of your constant presence.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.