Daily Devotional for December 2
December 2 Matthew 20:29-34
"Have mercy on us, Son of David!" The cry of two blind beg-
gars to Jesus is more than just an appeal for help; it is an
acknowledgement of the fact that Jesus is the Messiah.
Somehow these blind beggars knew more about the Saviour
they were addressing than even the disciples. They also knew
that their persistent prayers would be answered. When the
crowd tried to silence them, they cried out again. Jesus was
moved to pity, he heard their prayer, and they were healed.
But the most crucial moment in this brief episode occurs when
Matthew tells us that "they... followed him."
Often we cry out to God in our pain and anguish, praying in
our time of need that God be with us and heal our hurts. Often
God stops, takes pity on us, and heals us. And often we simply
go on our way, forgetting even to thank the source of all our
healing and joy, not to mention forgetting to follow Jesus as
The proof that the prayer of the blind beggars was sincere is
that they became disciples of Jesus. Moreover, they became
his disciples right before the crucifixion, not an easy time to
begin to follow Jesus. We turn to God when we are in need,
but the true test of our faith is whether we continue to follow
God after our needs have been met. Jesus, who gives sight to
sightless eyes, inspires us to follow, even through death, to
Resurrection and new life.
Great Physician, help us to look to you
not only when we are in need, but also in those
times after our needs have been met. Help us to have the
faith of the two blind beggars, who saw you
with eyes of faith. Amen.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.