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Daily Devotional for April 4


Apri1 4                                                          John 17:12-19


                      The boy belly-crawled
                   The muddy, numbing field
                    Knowing one small sound
      Would bring a wall of foreign bullets.
          Too, that the words in his jacket
                  Meant freedom to the rest.
         He held his breath and moved again,
            Wished with every boy-like cell
 That tomorrow this would be a soccer field
    Again, with more boys who were not boys
                          (Anymore or ever).

Dear Creator,
You have given us your word and asked us to carry it,
sometimes at personal risk, to others who seek to know it.
Please protect us in the task. More importantly, help us to
remember that it is our task, and there is much at stake in the
carrying. I forget sometimes that I express your word more
powerfully with my actions and responses in the world than
with my tongue. Give me, please, a silent tongue and loud,
loving conduct to carry your intent, lest my own words change
or spoil the message.

From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle

Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.


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