Daily Devotional for September 16
September 16 Matthew 3:13-17
How many times have you felt that Christ was making a request
of you, and you've said, "I can't do that," or "I'm not good
enough," or "I'm not spiritual enough," or "I'm not smart
enough," or "I don't know enough"? John the Baptist is an
example of an instrument of God who was reluctant to fulfill
his ministry because he felt too unworthy. When Jesus came
to him to be baptized, his response was to ask, "...do you
come to me?"
Like John, we too are sometimes called on to perform works
that we may not have imagined for ourselves. It may be praying
for someone's special needs; it may be visiting an AIDS patient
in the hospital; it may be receiving a phone call from a troubled
sister or brother in the middle of the night; it may be serving
in some simple way in our church. Surely Christ comes to each
one of us and asks us to serve others in some concrete way.
What is it that Christ is asking you to do for God today? The
good news is that when we accept Christ's invitation to per-
form an act of service, the heavens are opened and the Spirit
of God descends to fulfill God's purpose in what we do.
How many times have you said no because you felt unworthy?
Look to John the Baptist today and see how the heavens open
when you say "no" to your fears and "yes" to Christ!
Jesus, be with me today. Guide me, teach me,
and through faith give me strength to say yes when
I am called upon to minister to your people. I know that
through faith I can do all things that ask you ask of me.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.1989