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Daily Devotional for September 20

September 20                                              Matthew 4:18-25

         "And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in
     their synagogues, preaching the Gospel of the realm
 of heaven, and healing every disease and every infirmity
           among the people... and they brought Jesus
                  all the sick... and he healed them."

Reflect for a moment on this phrase from today's Gospel: "He
healed them."

Today's Gospel does not say, "Jesus healed the ones who
earned it." It doesn't say, "Jesus healed those who were the
right gender, age, race, sexual orientation, and creed." It says
that Jesus healed them all.

Today's Gospel also says that Jesus healed every infirmity and
disease. It does not say, "Jesus healed all the diseases of all
the people who deserved it." Jesus knew the truth, that no
one deserves to be ill. All of us deserve to be well and whole
simply because we are children of God.

It is not only those of us who are living with serious diseases
who desire healing. All of us crave the healing power of Jesus
in our lives, for to be healed is also to be freed. We may want
healing from our addictions. We may wish healing for broken
relationships. We may want to be released from painful
memories in our past. We may wish to be freed from rejection
and despair. Jesus' healing is available to us for all these

"When nothing else could help, love lifted me," says an old
hymn. Let yourself be lifted by Jesus' love today. Ask Jesus
to soothe the pain and hurt in your life, in the calm assurance
that your prayer will be answered. Finally, even in the midst
of sickness and death, know that Jesus has won the victory.
We shall all be well.

From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle

Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.1989


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