Daily Devotional for April 14
April 14 Luke 5:12-26
HIV Positive
The three sat staring at the
Patterned oriental underfoot.
Terror inched through the boy
Like poison from an unsuspected dart.
From the knees, up the back, under his neck, it left his
Paralyzed gaze on the carpet.
"Are you sure?", his voice the quiet monotone
Of the unbelievingly condemned.
"Yes. We'll do what we can." An empty second.
"It starts, son, with forgiving yourself."
(Later) "This, doctor, is a clinic, not a confessional."
The younger man sat silent, letting the angry one finish.
"What the [heck] is this 'forgiving yourself'? Since
When are doctors priests? Is that how
They taught you to deliver a diagnosis?"
Too directly for the elder's comfort, the
Younger man met the fury in his eyes.
With unsettling calm, his clear reply,
"Sir, it's the only real medicine we have."
Dear Creator,
Whenever I get caught up in the "right" way to do a thing,
please remind me that what is done in love and with
forgiveness is done "right." Please don't let the lessons of
humans blind me to the lessons of the Spirit, nor the emotions
of the moment to the truth.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.198