Daily Devotional for April 21
April 21 Luke 7:1-17
I held the letter, shaken
And wondered how many
Of my own careful markings
Had so soundly,
Blindly moved a reader.
How often had I held the pen
In passion to be honest
And pierced a gentle soul?
Or poured the warm of loving
On a distant friend?
Allowed a pencil and some minutes
To change the thought or heart
Of some remote comrade,
And never seen the tears?
Dear Creator,
Words are so powerful. And thoughts. They can shape our
direction for life, cure misunderstandings, reframe trauma into
growth. When I send my words ahead, either deliberately or
carelessly, give me the grace to accompany them with love.
Let them not arrive without thought on unprepared ears. Help
me to correctly estimate the power of my words and thoughts
and to use them only as a way to greater light.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.198