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Daily Devotional for April 28


April 28                                                            Luke 8:40-56


                                We left the church
                               Vaguely unsatisfied
                                With that "healer"
                           Who is so famous on TV.
                              As we moved forward,
                               Awash in the crowd,
                               I was suddenly weak
                                        And dizzy.
                           "I knew!" She smiled up
                    Excitedly from her wheelchair.
                    I realized she had touched me.
         "I knew you were a healer," she repeated.
 She gently squeezed my hand and we were separated
                      By the many trying to leave.

Dear Creator,
Help me to recognize the healer that is a part of my sacred
self. If I may touch other souls in a way that makes them
stronger, show me my part of it and give me the courage to
try. Show me, too, those who can help me become my best
self. I know you work so often through people I might not
suspect are your special healers. Open my eyes to know them.
This world could be so richly compassionate if, by the light
of your serene and healing grace, we could discover our gifts
for making each other whole.

From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle

Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.198

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