Daily Devotional for June 30
June 30 Luke 22:31-38
Peter did not suffer from the low self-esteem that many of us
do. He believed he could do all sorts of things, and when he
tried them he would often fail. He told Jesus he was ready to
go with him to prison and to death, but when Jesus was
arrested, Peter lied to save himself. Satan had control of him
then and was sifting him like wheat.
I tend to come from the other direction, believing that I can't
do something I haven't done before. The power of this negative
thinking then prevents me from experiencing life fully, and
I, too, am "sifted."
The good news is that Jesus, who is able to see all our
possibilities, prays for us whether we are exuberant or cautious,
fearful or bold. Jesus knew that Peter would deny him, but
he could see beyond this mistake to a time when Peter would
turn away from fear and self-protection. "When you have
turned again," Jesus said to him, "there will be work for you
to do strengthening your sisters and brothers." Note that Jesus
did not say, "If you turn again." Jesus prayed and had faith
that Peter would change.
Jesus prays for us, too, all the time, and we, too, are transform-
ed by the power of prayer. Do you understand what this means
for you?
Take time now to quiet yourself and to know in your heart
that, while negative forces are trying to sift you as wheat, just
as they did Peter, so Jesus is praying for you that your faith
may not fail. Let this prayer embrace you and give you hope.
Receive the embrace, drink deeply of the hope, and know that
wherever your journey takes you, Jesus is holding you in
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.198