Daily Devotional for October 1
October 1 Luke 5:1-11
"God is my co-pilot," a popular bumper sticker declared to
passing motorists a few years back. Judging from the actions
of some of those drivers, God should have taken the wheel.
Sometimes, it's not easy to let God take control. But when
we do, we find that the blessings are abundant.
For years, a man named Tommy professed to be a Christian.
Tommy willingly turned over to his Saviour the control of his
home life and of his family. He sought God's leadership in per-
sonal matters, praying frequently and sincerely about issues
of health, friendships and church life.
Tommy drew a line, though, when it came to his job. He was
a newsman, and a good one, as his co-workers and editors
agreed. Here, Tommy believed he knew what was best. With
four years of college training and twelve years of on-the-job
experience, he knew what it took to succeed.
Only Tommy didn't succeed. Time after time, he was skipped
over for promotion. People he trained got the jobs he applied
for. Gradually, he grew more and more dissatisfied with the
career he had once loved.
Just as Peter knew how to catch fish, Tommy knew how to
report the news. But Tommy's "nets" were coming up empty.
In anguish, he turned to the friend who had helped in so many
other areas of his life. Tommy gave control of his workplace
to Christ.
The blessings were abundant. Just as Christ had a special job
for Peter, Tommy was also called. Peter became a "fisher of
people." Tommy was called to spread the good news as a
Whether it be in a professional ministry or not, our God has
a special job for each of us. We may not even have to change
careers to find it. But we do have to turn over the controls.
We have to let God be our pilot.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.1989