Daily Devotional for October 10
October 10 Matthew 9:1-8
You might say I inherited Terry's friendship. He was introduced
to me a few years back by a dying man, a mutual friend, some-
one who loved Terry as much as I would grow to love him.
And I do love Terry, for he has proven so easy to love. As if
his strawberry blond hair and charming green eyes weren't
enough, he also possesses a kind heart, a quick wit, and a bright
mind. A professional man in cowboy boots. A body builder
in a men's chorus. A collector of antiques. A dancer.
Our friendship has stood the test of time and distance. Terry
moved to the Midwest two years ago. Yet we remain close
through letters, phone calls and shared memories. I don't see
Christmas lights, hear disco music, or pump iron without think-
ing of him.
Together, we have giggled like children and cried like babies.
We have shared our deepest joys and fears. When Terry's AIDS
virus test proved negative, I sent him a two-page letter. One
page said "PRAISE," the other, "GOD."
Although we've never been spouses, our friendship has made
us as close as lots of long-time mates. But despite our closeness,
one thing we cannot share. Terry doesn't know God loves him.
No matter how many times and in how many ways I have told
him, he has not accepted it - at least not yet.
Most of us know people like Terry, friends with whom we
long to share God's glory. But like the friends who brought
the paralyzed man to Christ, we can only do so much. We can
only love them and pray for them. We can only make sure
that they are brought into the healing presence of Jesus Christ.
It is their choice to accept or reject that healing. It is their
choice to walk or not to walk.
Still, our experience and our faith tell us that, like the paralyzed
man in the story, our friends will eventually experience Christ's
love and walk in a new life, if we will continually bring them
into the powerful presence of Christ in prayer. For God wants
our friends not only to walk, but to run.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.1989