Daily Devotional for June 9
June 9 Luke 18:9-14
My doctor has told me how sick I really am. I can't believe
my ears. As the doctor leaves my bedside, I find myself talking
to God about my condition. "Now God," I begin, "you know
I've always been faithful to you. I go to church every Sunday
and I pray. We have some great conversations, you and I, don't
we? And you remember the friend I brought to church last
year. Why, I'm one of your greatest witnesses... Now God,
about this illness... ."
From across the room, from somewhere in the next bed I hear
the soft sounds of muffled weeping, the voice of someone,
as though calling out to a parent. "Oh, Lord, have mercy. I'm
lying here sick and in pain. The only thing I have to believe
in is your love. Oh, Healer, your will be done in this body.
Work out your love in this spirit. Help this sinner, Lord."
Hearing this prayer, I cannot help but wonder about my own
need for God. Will God listen if I admit that I'm feeling scared,
weak, and helpless? I had never thought so. Yet now, in the
face of my sickness, the good deeds that I have relied on to
give me a sense of self-worth seem so trivial, almost pathetic.
Who will come to show me the way to empty my heart of
its self-righteous deeds that it may be filled instead with God's
merciful love?
Recall today the condition of your life when Christ first came
to you. Remember the pure mercy and tender love that entered
your heart that day. Now breathe in God's love. Breathe out
the vanity of self-righteousness. Re-experience God's grace as
you continue your faith journey today relying on the tender
mercy of God's love to give you a sense of self-worth.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.198