Daily Devotional for April 30
April 30 Matthew 13:24-34
Baking Bread
Together we worked the dough,
Her tiny hands roundly invisible
Under firm forgiving bread.
Little wrists rising from a sculptured mound.
I (grown-up) explained,
"It is the yeast that makes the bread bigger and bigger,
And yummy so that we will want to eat it and be strong."
Open-eyed, she held my jaw in puttied gentle palms.
"I love you like yeast, Mommy."
A loving worship filled my soul and
I (aching) wondered how she so young
Knew completely what was only now
Coming clear to me.
Dear Creator,
I must admit it's difficult for me to have the kind of faith that
I often see in people I admire. Your parables of mustard seed
and leaven make perfect sense, knowing as I do your generous
Spirit. It is my own little step toward you that I have such diffi-
culty taking. Although you have never failed to love me, there
is a part of my frightened, childish self that's always scared
to make the move. I ask for the freedom that would daily make
me as eager to seek you as a child running to meet a parent
at the end of a day.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.1989