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Daily Devotional for September 5

September 5                                                Mark 14:66-72

      ...the bystanders said to Peter, 'Certainly you are
     one of them; for you are a Galilean. 'But he began
      to invoke a curse on himself and to answer, 'I do
           not know this Jesus of whom you speak.' "

If asked the question, "Do you know Jesus Christ?" most of
us would not deny it. Of course, most of us aren't asked the
question directly. Indirectly, however, the question is asked
of us many times. We are asked the question whenever we
see someone hungry and homeless. We are asked the question
whenever we are called upon to recognize each person' s worth
as a child of God. We are asked the question whenever we
are confronted with hatred and oppression. Whatever the situa-
tion, if we respond with violence, or with contempt, [or with
apathy] we are denying Christ. If we choose to do what is
Christ-like, we are saying, "Yes, I do know Jesus Christ."

We come to know Jesus Christ by acknowledging God's
presence within ourselves and within each other. We come
to know Christ through prayer, meditation, and the study of
Scripture. We come to know Christ through worship and the
sharing of the good news of the Gospel.

As we come to know Christ more fully within ourselves and
within our community, Christ moves to the center of our
relationships and they are transformed. As we claim Christ's
love and forgiveness for ourselves, we are able to extend that
same love and forgiveness to our other relationships.

Whenever we follow the path of Christ, we are saying "yes"
to God's working in our life. Like Peter, we may deny Christ
at times. Like Peter, we will be forgiven if we do. God works
through weakness, as Peter's life testifies: From denying Christ,
he went on to become the leader of the early Christian church.
Knowing Jesus Christ does not require us to be flawless
persons. God asks only that we begin to say "yes" more than
we say "no."

From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle

Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.1989

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