Daily Devotional for March 27
March 27 John 14:1-14
Freedom From Anxiety
It has been said more than once that we live in an age of
anxiety. Historians point out that never before in history have
human beings been subjected to so much fear and uncertainty.
Stress- and fear-related heart attacks abound. We yearn for
peace, but we are confronted by wars and rumors of wars.
In today's Scripture, Jesus addresses the basic anxiety, lack of
trust: "Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe
also in me." Do not be anxious, only trust.
Trusting in Jesus is no mean feat. All of us learn before the
age of two that a good many aspects of the world around us
are untrustworthy. As children, we are born with anxieties
as basic as fear of falling and fear of loud noises. Then, many
of us learn that even Mommy, Daddy, teachers, ministers, and
other caregivers cannot always be trusted. Anxiety seems to
be one of the givens of our lives. How, then, are we to believe
that God really cares for us?
Fortunately, Christ is there personally for each of us - to teach
us that we can trust God. When we have really learned this,
we can relax, let go, and experience freedom from anxiety.
Saviour, release me from my lack of trust and anxiety
into a joyous trust in you. Amen.
from The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C