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Daily Devotional for October 17

October 17                                                 Matthew 10:16-23

A young pastor arrested at a nuclear arms protest arrived for
her day in court with only a Bible.

Staring down at her from behind the bench, the judge asked,
"Where's your lawyer?"

"Jesus Christ will defend me," the pastor responded calmly.

The judge scoffed. "I've not seen any paperwork on that,"
he said with sarcasm. The pastor opened her Bible and began
to read. It contained all the counsel she needed.

Now, don't get me wrong. I wouldn't suggest that we wage
our legal battles without a lawyer, any more than I would
advise mending broken bones without a physician. God has
created great minds which, when touched by our Saviour's
grace, can perform wonderful deeds on our behalf.

But sometimes, we must face our trials without the help of
others. Sometimes all we need to know is that God is with us.

In today's passage, Christ gives the disciples fair warning that
they will face trials, tribulations, and even death for their
beliefs. Governments, religious bodies, and even their own
families will persecute them. But Christ follows the warning
with a beautiful promise. As Christians, they need face no hard-
ship alone.

The protesting pastor knew the warning and the promise well.
She knew that they applied to modern-day disciples, too.

Through Christ, we receive courage to face persecution,
knowing that God has promised our trials will one day end
in victory. We receive wisdom, knowing the Holy Spirit will
speak through us. Most importantly, we simply feel our
Saviour's presence, bringing peace amid chaos, warmth amid
coldness, and hope amid despair.

The world's best lawyer couldn't offer as much.

From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle

Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.1989

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