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Daily Devotional for June 28


June 28                                                           Luke 22:14-23

Two friends invited me to dinner last week. Nine of us
assembled, the table elegant with stemware and silver on a
rose-colored cloth. Cucumber and mint soup and other
delicacies carefully prepared and served by the hosts created
a special occasion for the guests.

We laughed and told stories, on the surface enjoying the
evening; yet there was no communion with one another, and
around midnight we went our separate ways feeling somewhat
tired. We had played well the parts that our culture teaches
us: we were the self-sufficient, confident, amusing and
successful people we want to be, keeping our deeper thoughts
and feelings to ourselves, for to expose them would have been
awkward and unpredictable.

And so we find ourselves a superficial and lonely people. We
long for meaning in our lives, for the closeness and community
that we do not find as we move from one social occasion to
another. How do we connect with our deeper selves when
our culture constantly bombards us with the importance of

"Take this, and divide it among yourselves," said Jesus as he
passed the cup to those gathered together for the Passover
meal. Sharing himself with them and with all believers through
the ages, Jesus showed us the way.

Meditate today on communion, this sharing of self that invites
others to participate. Pray for the courage to be true to your
deeper self, without regard for appearances or what others
may think. Be alert for opportunities to commune with the
people you meet and with the one who loves and sustains you.

From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle

Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.198

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