Daily Devotional for April 24
April 24 Luke 7:36-50
She prayed like that
For hours.
Third pew from the back,
Head resting on the rail.
Then a candle to the virgin
And another prayer by
The side altar.
What sin could need
Such fervent prayer?
Hard to think this small woman
Transgressed large in anyone's eyes
But her own.
And yet the look, as she passed
Down the aisle to the outside sun -
Dear Creator,
Even though I know the relief of forgiveness, I find it difficult
(impossible?) to forgive the very ones who could most use the
freedom my forgiveness would afford them. Why do you sup-
pose I cling so tenaciously to my righteousness in the face of
my own checkered history? Please give me the generosity
of spirit to let go of the anger and unforgiveness I harbor. You
know better than any the huge debt I have to those who have
offered me reprieve.
from The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C