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Daily Devotional for May 29


May 29                                                           Luke 14:25-35

The multitudes loved him. They followed him wherever he
went, clamoring for his attention, hanging on his every word.
They delighted to hear him destroy the Pharisees' tedious
questions. Their hearts warmed to his words of love and
acceptance for the poor, outcasts, and sinners who filled the
streets. His miracles of power and healing excited their
imaginations as they began to call him "Messiah." The crowds
followed Jesus with joy.

We also join the multitudes, singing aloud in the wonder of
his moving words. His message of God's love deeply stirs our
hungry spirits. We cry out in joy as our Messiah goes before us.

But then he turns to us. "Have you counted the cost? Do you
know what I am asking of you? Unless you are willing to give
up your home and family, your dearest possessions, you cannot
follow me. Unless you take onto your shoulders a heavy cross,
you cannot be my disciple. I call you to a difficult mission,
an awesome service. Do not follow me with careless intent. My
way is hard. Those who follow me must take up my cross of
humility and suffering. For I have come to redeem the world!"

O Jesus, how can we possibly pay the price? A total commit-
ment demands too much. We only wanted to join the crowd.
It seemed so inviting to follow an excited crowd. Now you
demand discipleship. Now you call us to join you in redeeming
our race. How can we pay this price? Besides, the world will
never listen to us. After all these centuries, it still fails to heed
your voice. Why do you think it will hear us now?

Then you said, "My child, there is no other way. I am calling
you. Come, follow me!"

from The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle

Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C


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