Daily Devotional for December 4
December 4 Matthew 21:1-11
If Jesus wanted to make a point with his entry into Jerusalem,
it was that he came for peace, forswearing violence and force.
All the details of this story illustrate the point that Jesus is a
new kind of ruler, reigning in love and peace.
Jesus came meekly, on a lowly animal that was a symbol of
gentleness. He relied on the anonymous assistance of his
friends. An unnamed follower provided the ordinary animals
for his transportation. Simple people accompanied him. He
was escorted by children and common folk, armed with palm
branches rather than spears, singing songs of praise rather than
war chants.
Despite Jesus' intention to show what kind of ruler he was,
some of his followers tried to give a different impression,
perhaps trying to force him into a more political role. By
spreading their garments on the road before him they echoed
the actions of the followers of Jehu (II Kings 9:13), a great and
powerful king of Israel who ruled by armed might. But
regardless of the attempts to force Jesus into another kind of
power, it is the image of Jesus as the serene, loving, peaceful
ruler of our hearts that comes down to us through the years.
Sometimes I look for a Saviour who will come with sword
and fury, punishing those who are especially vexing me at the
moment. Sometimes I look for Jesus to come and force those
who oppress me to mend their ways and do as God wills, or
at least do what I want to be God's will. Then I remember
and I am stilled by this image of the Prince of Peace, Jesus,
sitting on a donkey, serenaded by the songs of children. As
the hymn says, "Ride on! Ride on in majesty!"
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.1989