Daily Devotional for February 8
February 8 Luke 18:9-14
"...those who humble themselves will be exalted."
In the midst of the positive, self-esteem building, uplifting voice
of the Gospel, there is balance. Here the Word reminds us not
to elevate ourselves above others. Why? Quite simply because
God chooses always to work through us, and when we exalt
ourselves, we limit God's options. We become unavailable as
a sign and witness to those from whom we have distanced
ourselves in our exaltation. God would have us be open to
all, and especially to the most despised. Sometime, in fact, it
is to those we like least that God sends us.
A second truth is that if we exalt ourselves, we cannot exalt
Christ. God desires our lives, our gifts, our words, and our
deeds to point to Christ, not to ourselves. The channel of
revelation works like this: we lead persons to Christ and Christ
leads them to God; we reveal Jesus, and Jesus reveals God.
By pointing only to ourselves we prevent others from seeing
Christ, who desires to show them God. The chain of revela-
tion is broken.
Healthy persons who love themselves and rejoice in God's gifts
joyfully point the way to the Giver of all good and perfect
gifts. God gives a promise to us: "... those who humble
themselves will be exalted." God will exalt us in the end. We
will not go without praise and recognition. Jesus showed us
the way when he humbled himself and "became obedient unto
death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted
him. ..." (Phillipians 2:8-9)
My God, I know that when I have sought honor
and praise, I have not found joy. My joy is you and
your presence in me. Be enthroned in my life so that I
may reveal you to all who look upon me. I have
found your presence in my life to be
exaltation enough.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.198