Daily Devotional for August 8
August 8 Mark 8:22-33
The story of the healing of a blind man at Bethsaida contains
two important themes relevant for our lives as modern people
of faith.
First, we find that Jesus identifies with the man by taking him
by the hand and leading him outside the city. In other words,
Jesus respects the man's need for and right to privacy. Unlike
other instances in which Jesus heals others, this healing takes
place away from the crowd.
In like manner, in providing care and support for another, we
need to maintain an awareness of the other's need for the
security of privacy. Our society easily stigmatizes individuals,
especially in their time of need, in the time when they are most
vulnerable. Part of our commitment to support life necessitates
that we take care not to jeopardize the security of others who
may be facing the loss of home, employment, friendship, or
respect. We are called, rather, to provide supportive care in
ways which respect their dignity and privacy.
Secondly, this is the only healing story which happens in stages.
The man first sees shadows and only later sees clearly.
More often than not, this is the way we experience healing.
There may be an easing of the raw pain of a tragic experience
followed later, perhaps much later, by a visitation that
somehow brings further resolution and healing integration.
The Gospel example is clear. Sometimes healing takes time,
and we must learn to be patient with the process of being
brought to wholeness.
Gracious God, teach me to be patient when the process
of healing and recovery seems slow. Help me to trust that
your presence will sustain me, especially in those times
when I see only shadows. Amen.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.1989