Daily Devotional for November 30
November 30 Matthew 20:1-16
"You go into the vineyard too,
and whatever is right I will give you."
I remember the day, Jesus, when you first invited me to become
a laborer in your vineyard. How honored I felt! At that time
the knowledge was still fresh in my mind that everything, includ-
ing the call to work in your vineyard, was your gift to me.
But you did not ask me to work for nothing. Your reward,
you promised, would be the gift of yourself. "I am with you
always," you said, even "to the close of the age." (Matthew
You have kept your word, Jesus. You have nourished me with
yourself in prayer, in Scripture, in the Eucharist, and in
encounters with other laborers in your vineyard. You have
gradually shown me that "My food is to do the will of God
who sent me, and to accomplish God's work." (John 4:34)
I will not pretend that it has been easy. Sometimes it has
seemed impossible to bear "the burden of the day and the scor-
ching heat," and I have felt like giving up. But Jesus, to whom
would I go? "You have the words of eternal life." (John 6:68)
At other times I have acted as if I had a special right to the
gift of your Holy Spirit, the "denarius" you promised as my
reward. How foolish to want to set limits on your generosity!
Please come and change my heart into one as generous as
yours, so that I may learn to give myself as you do, without
exception or reserve.
As this month comes to an end, Jesus, I re-dedicate myself to
working in your vineyard, confident that you will always give
"whatever is right" at the end of the day.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.198