Daily Devotional for March 9
March 9 John 6:41-51
Drawn by God
In today's passage, Jesus addresses the misunderstanding of
the people of his native Galilee, who do not see how he could
have come from above. "Is this not Joseph's son?" they ask.
"How can he be from above?" Jesus asserts that, in order to
understand his heavenly origin, one must be "drawn" by God.
Further, to be drawn is defined as learning from God.
Today, as then, we are drawn by God into a deeper spiritual
journey, into an exploration of a deep, subterranean river
missed by those who travel on the surface. It entails breaking
through the surface and being willing to be led to the "springs
of living water" that lie below superficial religious practices.
God calls each of us to that journey through Jesus. Many are
afraid to start, afraid of the unknown. Others are afraid of the
introspection demanded by such a journey. For in order to
make this journey, we must confront and work through our
many buried hang-ups, the mental logjams that block the path.
These mental logjams, obstacles to experiencing the presence
and power of God, are the result of our past attempts to
reconcile the religious rules, school teachings, and family and
peer group mores that conflict with our own experience and
deepest sense of who we are.
God draws us into confronting these obstacles, the remnants
of the wounded child's old ideas about God and the world
we live in. It is an exhilarating journey - a journey with great
rewards if we are willing to pay the price of self-knowledge:
the sacrifice of the ego.
Loving God, I know you as the one-who-calls. Help me
not to resist your call, nor to be afraid of what that call
entails. Draw me nearer to you and give me the grace to
be completely yours. Amen.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.