Daily Devotional for June 11
June 11 Matthew 15:29-39
In today's Scripture passage, Jesus pointed out to his disciples
that the people gathered together had a problem: they had had
nothing to eat for three days.
As I open myself to God today I allow the Holy Spirit
to point out problems which exist right under my
nose, problems I can't seem to solve using my
natural resources.
The disciples couldn't help the people. They had only seven
loaves and a few small fishes, hardly enough to feed them all.
Often I find myself saying to God, "I don't have the
resources to take care of this need. There doesn't
seem to be anything I can do."
Using the resources the disciples provided, Jesus took care of
the problem by the power of God.
The Holy Spirit responds to needs right under my
nose, using whatever resources I have.
The disciples had been with Jesus for many days, witnessing
miracle after miracle, and still they felt limited by the few
resources at their disposal, helpless to respond to the need
of the people. Jesus had to point out the need and the answer.
I have witnessed the Holy Spirit performing miracle
after miracle as long as I have known God, and still
I find myself all too often responding to the Spirit's
promptings by saying, "I don't have the resources
to answer that need." The Holy Spirit continues to
show me that, with God as my source, my resources
are all-sufficient to fill every need.
Have you experienced this sequence of events in your life?
Can we grow beyond our limited perspective into God's
vision? Use the resources at your disposal to ask for God's
transformation and direction today.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.1989