Daily Devotional for September 8
September 8 Mark 15:22-32
Christ Crucified Today
He lies in bed.
His eyes open wide to greet me.
He extends his hand.
His face is ash white.
His cheek bones protrude
from a face too tired to hold its shape
from a body too sick to eat.
His lips are cracked and broken.
Sores cover his mouth.
His hands tremble as they stroke mine.
He reaches for the basin and begins to retch.
I gently stroke his back
As spasms subside, tears stream down his face.
The I. V. drips slowly
into overused, collapsing veins.
Purple lesions violate his body.
The marks stand stark on his bare arms and face.
The spasms return.
He clutches my arm.
Pleading eyes reach out -
pulling tears from my own.
Anxiety pounds through my chest.
I'm dizzy, breathless.
I want to run - can't bear to look - to see him suffer.
"How are you?" he asks from eyes burning with pain.
"Are you taking care of yourself?"
"I hurt too much to hurt with you any more," I finally admit.
His eyes release me.
His eyes forgive me - and everyone.
His eyes say good-bye, fill with tears, and close.
Above his head
on the wall
the inscription,
the charge against him:
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.1989