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Daily Devotional for August 24

August 24                                                        Mark 12:28-34

"Tell me of your wants and desires and I'll tell you what kind
of person you are," the radio evangelist boomed forth as I was
driving to the supermarket. "I don't want to know anything
about your possessions, what you have, or what you do -
just tell me your desires."

I don't recall the rest of the program, but these words came
back to me as I read today's Scripture. A new car, a lover, a
Caribbean cruise, to be the best trial lawyer or the most creative
hairdresser - these are typical of the desires our culture
encourages, and most of us are motivated to strive for them.

Jesus offers a striking alternative - to love God with our whole
being. Think for a minute what it might mean to love with
all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength.
Most of us live fragmented lives, hurrying from one obligation
to another, our minds often scattered, jumping from this to
that. We are divided within ourselves. This great command-
ment is not something we can do on our own, for only God
can teach us to love wholeheartedly. But we can make it the
central, conscious desire of our lives to love God with our
whole selves, to be at one with our Creator.

Pay attention to your inner self... . Deep within find your
own desire to be united with God... . Remember that the
greatest commandment is available for you... . Jesus asks that
you make it the central aspiration of your life.

From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle

Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.1989

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