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Daily Devotional for May 21


May 21                                                                  John 1:1-18

O Yahweh! Once you came in the darkness of Mount Sinai.
Your cloud covered the mountain where only Moses ap-
proached to speak with you face to face. We, the people, were
afraid and did not comprehend your glory. We refused to hear
your truth and follow your commandment because we stood
in awe of your majesty and judgment. We saw only your
darkness and we feared your presence.

O Jesus! Now you have come to us again. This time you walked
in the light where we could see your face, where we could
behold your glory. You came to be one of us, so that we did
not need to fear your mysterious darkness any more. You
spoke plainly to us so that this time we could comprehend
your grace and truth.

O God! We still hide from you. We still wonder whether you
really do receive us, for we have heard too often that we
cannot be your children. We still fear your judgment. We still
hide our faces from you. We push you behind a cloud of anx-
ious doubt concerning your offering of love and acceptance.
Grant us the courage to take hold of your promises, for you
have come to dwell among us. We are your own, and your
outstretched hand beckons us to come to you and receive the
right to become the children of God because we dare to believe
in Jesus' name. Out of the darkness has come a great light, and
your light has touched our hearts with the joy of your

O God of both darkness and light, we have become your
children. You have carried us in the darkness of your womb.
You have birthed us into the glorious light of day. We revel in
the life you have given us. We have become your beloved ones.

From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle

Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.1989  

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