Daily Devotional for June 29
June 29 Luke 22:24-30
When I graduated from law school, I began receiving mail with
the title "Esquire" printed after my name. Eventually I had
business cards which stated "Attorney at Law." A pastor writes
"The Rev." and "M.Div." by her name, and our elected
officials are usually "The Honorable." We like to advertise
our titles and our credentials. They surely give us status in this
Recently I took a sewing course at the neighborhood commun-
ity center, and as we introduced ourselves the first day, one
woman said: "My name is Cathy. I'm just a housewife." Cathy's
remark was painful to hear because it suggested low self-
esteem. The teacher replied: "Please don't say just a
housewife." At that point we left the conversation and began
to learn about sewing machines. Yet Cathy stays with me in
spirit as I ponder her self-introduction.
We need our titles for our self-esteem, we say. "But not so
with you," Jesus responds, standing our thinking on its head:
"Rather let the greatest among you become as the youngest,
and the leader as one who serves."
In meditation today, ask yourself who you are. When a worldly
person asks this of you, the information usually sought is what
you do, what degrees and other possessions you have, where
you live, who your parents, spouse, or children are. But what
about the person that God is calling you to be? Not the one
with status and titles, but the one called to serve. Who are you?
How will you introduce yourself?
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.