Daily Devotional for November 17
November 17 Matthew 16:13-20
"And I tell you, you are Peter. ..."
Today, Jesus, I climb the holy mountain in my heart to sit at
your feet once again.
You look at me intently, then ask, "Who are people saying that
I am in the late twentieth century?"
I reflect and answer: "Some say you are a great prophet, like
Jeremiah or Elijah; others say you are a spiritual leader, like
the Buddha; still others see you as a great humanitarian, like
Albert Schweitzer."
Looking at me intently again, you ask, "And you - who do
you say that I am?"
I pause and I remember the many miracles I have seen you per-
form: you have healed the wounds of the broken-hearted; you
have taught and preached with life-changing power; you have
restored outcasts to dignity and self-esteem. Remembering these
and many other signs, I speak the words before they form in
my mind: "You are the Christ, the unique Child of the living
"How blessed you are that God has revealed the truth to you,"
you respond. "I tell you, you are a rock on which I will build
my church."
"But Jesus," I reply, "you know how impulsive I am...."
But you continue: "The more you abide in me, the more your
true self will emerge. You will find in time that instead of being
shifting sands, you are in fact a rock. Therefore I will give you
the keys of heaven, for you will lead many people to their true
"Who am I to be so honored?" I ask. "These are promises you
made to Peter centuries ago."
You respond with a twinkle in your eye, "I tell you, you are
Today I treasure your words in my heart, savoring the truths
they reveal to me.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.