Daily Devotional for April 22
April 22 Luke 7:18-28
It was her first time
To make a thing.
But her face informed
A careful watcher
Of tender plans
For the wearer of
This clumsy effort.
In smiling thought, she remade knitted
Tangled sections. Worked again and again the piece,
Until it lay perfect across her hand.
No child ever came as
Eagerly loved
As the one who would sport,
In mother's hungry arms,
The pale green sweater with the seed stitch cuffs.
Dear Creator,
In the wake of Jesus' life on earth, I struggle to realize that my
life is no less a preparation than was John the Baptist's. Though
I am not always clear about what I am preparing and being
prepared for, there is a constant sense (for a careful listener)
that I must continue to be ready. Some days this means just
getting through the day safely and harming no one. Sometimes
it means pouring energy into another's struggle or problems.
Now and then it may be training myself in some new skill. And
the days that I love most are those when I need only celebrate
what already is and what is to come. Thank you.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C