Daily Devotional for May 11
May 11 Luke 10:25-37
Hoping to soothe his own conscience, a busy, sophisticated
Christian asked his pastor, "Just who is my neighbor in this
fast, complex society?"
The pastor replied, "Last week an elderly woman walked down
a neighborhood street. She was returning home from the
market when she was attacked by a gang of drug dealers who
stripped her of her coat, snatched her purse and groceries,
threw her to the ground, and ran off, leaving her half dead.
"It was twelve-thirty in the afternoon and the street was
crowded. But no one paid attention to the woman. Stepping
right over her, a seminary student rushed across the street to
catch a bus. 'Can't be late for my exam,' she reminded God.
Likewise, a politician glanced at the old woman, then crossed
the street. 'There might be cameras around,' he rationalized.
'Besides, I supported funding for women's shelters in this city;
I've done my part!'
"Rose-tinted streetlights replaced the sun's natural glow, and
another workday surrendered to city night life. Making one
last attempt to rise from the frigid concrete, the new street
person fell back and cried with pain.
"It was a prostitute who heard the cry, saw the woman at her
feet, and was immediately flooded with compassion. She
quickly wrapped the victim in her own fur coat, hailed a taxi,
and rushed her charge to the nearest hospital. There she spent
the night negotiating on the patient's behalf, paying cash to
a system that did not care about a stolen medical card.
"So, you think Christian neighborliness is outmoded, do you?"
Receiving no reply, the pastor looked up. His guest had
Still, the question remained, leaving the pastor to ponder his
own busy, sophisticated life.
Grant me the courage today, Lord,
to slow down and love.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.