Daily Devotional for December 20
December 20 Matthew 24:45-51
We could interpret today's parable as an exhortation directed
to clergy and lay leaders in the church, but it is in fact directed
to each of us. Each of us has been entrusted with some respon-
sibility by God, even if it is only for our own life. Jesus urges
us today, whatever our responsibilities are, to be always ready
to give an account to the higher authority placed over us -
and ultimately to God. Today's parable therefore invites us
to examine our faithfulness in the day-to-day discharge of our
service to God.
The servant of God is faithful, which means honest, trust-
worthy, hard-working, diligent, and competent. The servant
of God is wise, which means just, compassionate, kind, caring,
intelligent, and fair. The servant of God is ready to be
evaluated, which means amenable to correction and discipline,
as well as to praise and affirmation.
The bad servant takes advantage of the absence of the boss,
is abusive and cruel to those under his or her care, wasteful
and dishonest. The bad servant is lazy and shirks work
whenever possible. When corrected, the bad servant blames
others or tries to point out the failings of co-workers. The bad
servant tries to avoid evaluation, and is unable to take criticism,
correction, and discipline. Such servants think praise is their
due, but do nothing to truly earn it.
One measure of our faithfulness to God is our faithfulness to
others: to our co-workers, our church, our spouse, our parents,
our children, our friends. Today, as I examine my relationship
with God in the light of my care for others, what do I see?
Great God, help me to become
a good servant in my daily life so that I can be
a good servant to you. Amen.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.